Wednesday 12 September 2012

6 New Illustrators

 I found Jimmy Turrell's illustration style very interesting as he combines many images to create one, and the way he ties them together works very well. For example, the album cover for Machines On Fire stood out to me from the use of bold colour and I thought the layers was very effective. As well with the piece of Obama for the Bloomberg business week I liked the clever use of images combined to tell sort of a story and a message. I also thought the subtle use of digital effects on most of Turrell's work is extremely effective in creating bold illustration.

Simon Pemberton's use of colour was one of the main reasons i was drawn to his work. I also found his use of layers in his images very interesting as when you closely look at his work, or at least the pictures below, you can see that there is no small detail and that the image is built up of different images shapes or patterns to create the illustration and also creates a very unique, interesting style.

What i found most interesting about Rogers work was how she manages to create such busy and intriguing images so simply using not much more than a blank or coloured back ground and a black outline. Her work often features in newspapers such as the first image which was for the guardian, and the final picture which was for the New Yorker. Her use (or not use) of colour really creates the overall effect of her drawings for example the image below of the library works well with the fact that the image has been given an old effect.

Jonny Hannah was the only new artists I researched in depth that predominantly uses text in most his work. when I first looked at his work i wasn't immediately drawn to it as i found it very busy and quite a lot to take in. however, I further researched his style and it did grow on me, especially the Hamlet book cover as it made the prospect of Shakespeare much more lively. The colour schemes of each illustration are really bold and distinctive play a large part in creating Hannah's very unique style. (which I now appreciate more)

Tim Burton was possibly my favourite illustrator to research. I already knew I loved his style from his films, so finding stand alone images of characters and film scenes was really interesting. What I love most is Burton's incredibly unique style that in many ways is so bizzare that it's almost creepy, yet still remains playful and shows is amazing imagination.

6. Tim Gauld cartoonist and illustrator

From looking at Gauld's work i saw some small similarities to Burton's work so therefore i found it very interesting. The second and third image show some realism which is also combined with very undetailed parts which i thought worked well and that the build up of layers created a good effect.

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