Sunday 11 November 2012


6 Words:


First part of the process- looking at colour.

 Fonts and writing styles that symbolise and represent the word. I personally really enjoyed doing this. I loved creating each different style and while some words i had less inspiration about i thought this was all part of the challenge.

The next stage was creating abstract images from magazines based around the colour schemes i came up with for each word


This would my favorite representation of the word detached. i felt the colours showed the mood and atmosphere of the word and the set up of the images could be seem to also represent the word. I think overall its one of the most effective images i created however had i had more time i would have liked to add text.



I found stability quite hard to represent and  wasn't particularly happy with the two images i came up with- I don't think they are that effective or that creative and i would like to try and take then further maybe by editing on Photoshop and by adding text.



 Out of the backgrounds I created I was happiest with fuse. I think the colors and shapes worked well together to represent the word, and it was the image I wanted to take further improve on Photoshop and make more effective as I felt it would create more of an impact with more work.

Copying fonts and combining ones i thought were relative with words they matched.

After combining the writing and editing the initial picture on Photoshop i was very happy with the final image. I also really enjoyed creating each separate section of the picture- Photoshop definitely being my favourite simply due to the fact that there are so many ways to enhance and alter something simple and take it in any direction.

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